
If you follow me on Twitter, you probably know that I have some, uh, feelings about digital privacy.

I want you to know that when you sign up for my email list, or buy a product from my shop, I can see certain analytics on you.

If you’d like to know what analytics are collected by default on Squarespace sites, you can see that here.

As far as the email, everything you do while on my list represents a data point about you. I’ll see if you open, if you click, what your overall “engagement” is. I also have tags set up according to what people seem to like (in my case it’s stuff like “foodie,” “into crafts,” “likes planners,” and so on). This is so I don’t send people stuff they don’t want, or aren’t interested in, OR, to send them something I think they’ll really like.

Just wanted you to know. And, for me anyway, I don’t care if someone knew this kind of information about me (ie, that I like making burrito bowls or doing crafts).

I do care about gathering data when it comes to politics, though. So this blog will continue to mostly be about parenting stuff - I just feel really uncomfortable gathering any data on what people respond to in the area of politics as long as we don’t have much agency over our data and how it’s collected and used.

If you do want to follow my political rantings and research, for now that’ll just be on Twitter (and god knows what they’re doing with that data - have you read their terms of service?).

Hey - thanks for reading, and good on you for thinking about your digital privacy! Demand regulation. We deserve it and our future depends on it.



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